I'll give you something to talk about.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Nice Guys Finish Last

It is unusual but its true that you get attracted to some people easily even though you havent interacted with that person much. It is like a natural instinct and I think thats what you call charm. The charm of the person is so over whelming that you feel so natual and warm in his vicinity. I personally believe beneath the charm is the positive energy being radiated from the individual which makes you feel so comfortable.

The most important thing which is also the most difficult thing to do in life is to be true to your heart. We are not true to ourselves, we try to fool around like the way we try to fool others in making them believe what we are not. In the present world, the word "nice" is conceptualized synonimous to the under dog, or even worse "the loser in life". 'Does a nice guy ever rise to be a fierce competitor?'. 'Is he not supposed to be nice enough to let his competitors win?'.
Nice doesnt mean charity, it definitly doesn't mean forsaking all materialistic stuff or lack of competency. As I had mentioned in the previous post, its more to do with your attitude. People concentrate on other people losing then they themselves winning. A positive person has the attitude of winning on skills & honsety. Have dogged determination, ferocious competency but a positive attitude which strives for true success, honesty to the heart and mind is what we a soul should strive to achieve. There is no fun in passing the exams as you cheat, there is no fun in taking a promotion earned on back biting& boot licking, there is no fun in being popular among people by "divide and rule". Negative qualities are very pleasing to the mind but it tends to shift you away from the line of perfection and addict you to a style of living built upon hypocracy and ingenuine happiness.

In this world,, absoluteness has lost is meaning. There is high amount of relativity floating around. We only read absolutness in fairy tales but its a very confounding task to find one in the real world. The concept of true heart is one such case of absoluteness. A true heart is true, it cant be truer then truth. Be a nice guy, that surely doesnt mean standing at the end of the line and letting undeserving people get ahead of you.