I'll give you something to talk about.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Love doesn't make the world go around, But it sure makes the trip worthwhile !!

Recently, I heard some of my friends trying to define love. I chose to be out of the conversation but then, it did stick to me. I deal with that emotion day in and day out, and still when somebody is asked to define it, scratching of head and a lost look, is uncommon. Consequently, that gesture is followed by a lot 'eerrr.. eehh.. hhmmm...' etc before the philosopher takes over.

Having done the above as a customary practice, let me skip directly to the blabbering part. My first reference for an exact definition of love, was the dictionary which led me to read up to 22 different meanings to it. Perhaps the simpler the word is, the more difficult it is to explain it. How about trying to explain 'simple' in English? :) Displeased with the Oxford dictionary's way of defining things, I found it better to refer to my 25 years of existence on this planet and infer from this long innings what I understand of the second most widely used 4 letter word (any idea what the first one is ?? ;) ) .

So, I found myself nodding to the fact that Love is the mother of all emotions, feelings of jealousy, pride, joy, anger, possessiveness, sacrifice, devotion, dedication are all off springs of this great emotion. Sounds reasonably good doesn't it? Now with such powerful emotions left to us to express at our disposition to whomever and in whatever amounts, life is bound to be like a wave. Generally speaking, relationships which are inherited by you, pain less compared to the ones you make by choice, so you basically choose to get into what you end up getting into. You see, I personally differentiate in the way we love people and the way we love matter, the difference is just as fundamental as the difference between matter and people - people think and matter doesn't. We love people and we expect them to love us back, we love matter but we don't expect matter to love us back. A tear down the cheeks when expectations are not met & a lovely smile when they do. Lucky are the ones who get related to the ones they choose, but the other way around isn't bad either, love grows naturally and its as natural as human tendency to move on in life. I am an average guy with a history of broken and breaking hearts and in all facets of it, I have seen love healing what love wounded.

Before I keep building on my chain of thoughts, let me see where does that leave me in the pursuit of the definition. Love is not just an emotion, it is a way of life, in fact it adds life to your existence. Whether you accept or ignore it, love helps you get out of what love pushed you into. Not debating that time is not a great healer, but without love, its as hopeless as a healer as hhmm.. mm...I would be as a belly dancer !